Patrick Tangye Photography

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Heaven Coming Down

The sunsets beyond Goreme in Cappadocia, deep in the heart of Turkey.

Allow me take you from cascading waterfalls to the incredible and unique landscape that is Cappadocia. Located in the heart of Turkey, this amazing landscape was shaped by millions of years of natural erosion.

And when Christians fled here from Roman persecution around 4AD, what they achieved was just as impressive.

In these towering volcanic chimneys they carved out homes for themselves - replete with places to live and eat and sleep, places to worship, stables, and storehouses. Entire towns were created within this ground, with tunnels diving as deep as 8 stories down.

But hearing about this place is one thing. Seeing it with your own eyes is something else entirely.

When I first arrived I was in awe at every turn. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was so unique and spectacular, I was honestly floored by the beauty that surrounded me. I was like a kid in a candy store, running to and fro trying to drink it all in as much as I could.

On that first evening I settled here, above the town of Göreme, to wait for the sun to set beyond the lip of the valley's rim in the distance; for the last light of day to have one last burst of glorious colour before fading to night.

So stay tuned for some more images of Cappadocia from the hot air balloon ride I took over this incredible landscape.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 20mm f/1.8G

  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Headā£

  • NiSi Circular Polariser and GND16

  • 25s

  • f/11

  • ISO50