Patrick Tangye Photography

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Into the Clouds

Admiring the architectural wonder that is Cloud Forest in Singapore's Gardens by the Bay.As someone who has low-key apprehension of heights (meaning I'm legit terrified of them!), the Cloud Forest Dome of Singapore's Gardens by the Bay was an experience fraught with sweaty hands, high heart rate, and the constant fear I was going to slip through the cracks of the walkway and plummet to the ground below...In saying that, however, it was an amazing experience and an absolutely incredible feat of engineering and imagination. I would wholeheartedly recommend anyone visiting Singapore to check it out (and don't worry, it's totally safe).The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 16-35mm f/4G ED VR
  • f/8
  • 1/50s
  • ISO100