Patrick Tangye Photography

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Manic Mondays

The Tube barrels down in London's Underground.

Another start to the regular working week and it's all hustle and bustle and no time for nonsense or paying attention to the world as you pass it by.

Whatever happened to taking in moments and enjoying the simple pleasures in life? Be it the soft morning sun on your face; the smell of freshly-mown grass; the gentle call of birdsong; a smile from a passing stranger; the touch of a loved one?

Every day can lead into another with a real sense of monotony, like you're not moving forward but instead trying your best just to stay afloat.

But only if you let it.

Instead of a drag, is not each day a new adventure? Are there not always things and experiences to take joy in, no matter if they're new or old?

Strive to enjoy the moment more. Be the one to smile at a stranger. Look through new eyes.

Even if just for a moment.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D7200 with Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8 handheld
  • f/2.8
  • 1/10 second
  • ISO200