Neon Joy

Neon swings light up the night as the Opera House sits in the background.Your legs splayed out in front and above you, reaching for the sky. Your hands gripping the chain tightly, holding you down. Your hair streaming out behind you. The sun on your face. You've never been this high, the blue expanse above closer than ever before. You're smiling, whooping with joy, with a freedom so profound. You want to go higher, to go faster, to fly. Then, for one startling moment, you start to fall backwards. Your stomach rises up through your chest, and then you're swinging on your arc, to do it all over again.The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D7200 with 17-55mm f/2.8 lens
  • f/10
  • 1.6 seconds
  • ISO250

Safe, Together


Flowers of Light