Mahon Pool Sunrise
With another beautiful sunrise forecasted, I went down to Mahon Pool in Maroubra to try capture a shot from a location I’ve never had much success at.

Coogee Sunset
After a stunning sunrise to start winter, the forecast for sunset looked just as good, so I headed back to Coogee in the hopes that forecast was right.

Coogee Sunrise
The first day of winter in Australia dawned with a chill in the air and beautiful colour in the clouds, and I captured it at Coogee Beach in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs.

Day of the Fires
New Years Eve 2019 was spent down the coast in the sleepy seaside town of Bawley Point. Not much further south, bushfires ravaged communities, and here in Bawley, the threat of it exploding into life became a real threat.