A Nameless Love
I don't know the name of this waterfall.
I've heard it called Edith Falls, other times Lodore.
But the name is immaterial once you find yourself before the rich vibrancy of this sandstone rock glowing beneath the cascading waterfall, here in the gloaming of this dusky light.
Does it matter then, what it is called? Or does it matter more to just enjoy the purity of mother nature's beauty without a care for labels or definitions or names or expectations?
For in this moment I can say nothing else mattered but for the sound of tumbling water; of leaves rustling in the wind; of birdsong echoing around the valley; and the light patter of raindrops against my skin.
Experienced individually all incredible microcosms of this amazing place, but combined… combined it causes a chemical reaction within your soul and goosebumps upon your skin and a shortening of breath and a lightness of being that fills you with a glow of breathless beauty and joy.
So no, the name of the falls doesn't matter, for what's in a name after all?
The details for this image are:
Nikon D750 with Nikon 20mm f/1.8G
NiSi GND 16 and Circular Polarizer
Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head