Where You Stood

The Milky Way setting over the Jamison Valley in the Blue Mountains.

The Milky Way setting over the Jamison Valley in the Blue Mountains.

You stood before us

So tall and Proud

Reaching ever higher

Striving for the edges

Of the universe

But now you are no more

Gone in a blaze of light

And an inferno of heat

That echoed around the world

So now we fall to the ground

Where once you stood

And we promise to fight on

To bring you back to life

So you reach once more

To the universe above

A few months ago I spent the evening in a cave with Carmel Boyd and Daniel Tran, both of whom are incredible photographers, and even better people (as I'm sure you all know).

Daniel had the idea for this shot in his head for a while, and I was lucky enough to be able to come along with them both to see it brought to fruition.

The problem was, we just weren't sure it would work! So imagine driving for a while, then clambering up into a cave and just sitting in it for hours on end, whiling away the time with singing and stories and laughter, waiting and hoping the alignment of the Milky Way Core lines up with your expectations as it sets.

And in this case, it worked perfectly.

I love how the setting core seems to match the curves in the cave, and the clouds lit by the bright lights of Katoomba also adds to this entire scene.

This is a panorama of 7 images to capture the Milky Way setting over the Jamison Valley in all her glory.

⁣ The details for this image are:⁣

  • Nikon D750⁣ with Nikon 20mm f/1.8G⁣⠀

  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head⁣⠀

  • 10s

  • f/2.5

  • ISO6400⁣


A Nameless Love


The Last Time