Ancient Streets

A gentle stroll to start the day through the beautiful city of Vicenza, Italy.On this early morning stroll, these cobblestone streets were all but empty, leaving us with just the clear blue, cloud-speckled sky, and the gentle glow of the rising sun shining down alleys and side-streets to illuminate and reflect the gorgeous colours of these ancient houses that have seen so much, yet say not a word.The 'City of Palladio' is a beautiful town, nestled comfortably in the Veneto region of Italy, and has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994 to protect the iconic works of 16th century Italian architect Andrea Palladio.To get this shot, I balanced the exposure between the shadows and the bright sunshine, plus the blue of the sky. I also zoomed in to compress the curvature of the street and make it seem closer and more prominent.The details for this image are:
  • Nikon D7200 with Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8
  • f/9
  • 1/320s
  • ISO400

Italian Renaissance


The Classic