
Lillypilly Waterfall can be found in Lane Cove, and here it is is in full flow after several days of heavy rain.
Lillypilly Waterfall can be found in Lane Cove, and here it is is in full flow after several days of heavy rain.

Nowhere else to go
Funnelled down and over
And under and through
It rushes and crashes
Building up steam
Until it's a torrent
A downpour of it all
Searching for the end
And then peace

I love that there can be such natural beauty within the heart of a city as big as Sydney.

Here the normally sedate Lillypilly Falls in Lane Cove was a rushing torrent of water and power after a few days of solid rain. The sound of billions of gallons of water pouring over the rocks and down the gully was simply incredible, and I love the texture in the water as it roils and churns before heading downstream. ⁣⁣

The details for this image are:⁣

  • nikonaustralia D750⁣ with Nikon 16-35mm f/4 VR⁣
  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head⁣
  • 0.3s
  • f/13
  • ISO50⁣⁣


Last Kiss


Smoke on the Water