Fade Into You

The shipwreck S.S. Ayrfield in Homebush Bay at dawn.

There's something so peaceful about seeing night fading from rich indigo, to blue, then finally into the brightness of day.

It's a cathartic experience, and whenever I witness it I always try and take a moment to focus on the feel of the air on my skin, the sound of birds calling out in chorus, the birth of a new day.

But it's not always easy. In fact sometimes it's really bloody hard. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed with questions and anxieties and what-ifs; a tornado of fear and nervousness and concerns all swirling around in my mind.

Sometimes it feels too much.

Too much to get out of bed and face the day.

Too much to put on a face and deal with the world.

Too much to force on that smile and pretend that everything is okay.

Because sometimes it isn't.

And you know what? That's okay.

Yesterday was R U OK? Day, a day in which we are encouraged to reach out to friends, family, even strangers on the street, to check in with how they're going.

But it's not enough because they'll probably just smile and nod politely and say 'Yeah, I'm okay.' even if they're not. I know I'm guilty of that.

We need to foster an environment of understanding, an environment where it's okay to talk about your feelings and your fears.

Because it's okay to be afraid.

It's okay to worry and to feel alone, even in an ocean of people.

But even more, it's okay to talk about it.

So maybe instead of asking if they're okay, ask where they're at and engage with them a little bit more because we're all in this together. 

So where are you at right now?

Me? I'm okay.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 20mm f/1.8G
  • f/10
  • 78 seconds
  • ISO50

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds


Under the Bridge