Patrick Tangye Photography

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Gold Rush

Golden hour at the Bay of Islands on Victoria’s Great Ocean Road.

A blustery day along the Great Ocean Road, with the wind roaring at what felt like 100kmph, we spent driving and exploring and investigating options for when the weather was better, when we could actually stand upon a bluff overlooking the ocean and not feel the full force of Mother Nature blowing you (and your tripod) back and back and back.

After sleeping in (it was pouring rain and wasn't looking at all promising for a sunrise shoot), we headed west to check out locations such as the Arch, the Grotto, London Bridge, and the Bay of Islands, before heading inland to Timboon for some delicious ice cream.

Fueled up and ready to go, we headed back to the Bay of Islands to see if the wind had died down (spoiler alert: it hadn't) to see if we could catch the sunset. Unfortunately it was still just far too windy, but I figured I was there so should try capture something.

And this is the result. Taken on my long lens, I wanted to capture the power of the waves crashing against those towering limestone stacks as they were lit by the setting sun.

Then we headed back to the car and home for dinner and wine before getting up for sunrise the next day.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6

  • 1/160s

  • f/5.6

  • ISO50