Heavy Cross

There's an emptiness inside me now
A hole where we used to be
Where once we laughed and loved
Only tears and anger remain
This edit is deliberately toned down to highlight the bleakness of the morning. There was the barest tease of colour on the distant horizon, but it soon vanished leaving nothing but heavy grey clouds scudding across the sky above and a muted world beaten by a biting wind below.
With a lack of colour, I tried to capture some of the movement of the clouds with a longer exposure, but with the uniform bleakness it was hard to do.
When I look at this image, I see coldness akin to the darkest depths of winter. You'd never have known it was taken at the height of summer!
The details for this image are:
- Nikon D750 with Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 G2
- NiSi Filters ND 64
- Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head
- f/16
- 20s
- ISO50