Opera Lights
Celebrating the end of 2021 with an image of fireworks bursting into colourful life over the Sydney Opera House, in the hopes of a better year to come.

Fire and Light
Electricity crackled in the air as lightning flashed over the city after fireworks exploded over the Sydney Opera House as part of Carols in the Domain.

Fire Trails
On a balmy summers night, patiently we waited for the scheduled fireworks to explode the stunning Sydney Opera House as part of the Carols in the Domain.

Come in Closer
At the end of May last year, I went to Stockton Beach in Newcastle to capture the tank traps exposed by the tides, but only managed to get the tops of them.

Where Happiness Lives
Exploring new locations in the Blue Mountains, I came across what I thought to be one of the most incredible and beautiful walks and waterfalls I have ever seen.

Lost in the Light
On our one and only night spent in the Dark Sky Reserve that is the Warrumbungle National Park, we scrambled up a hill for this sunset view.

Beautiful Undone
Several hours spent walking the Wonga Walk in Dorrigo National Park led me to this intimate scene of Tristania Falls.