Moment of Surrender
What a difference ten minutes makes.
Our first morning on the Great Ocean Road was a complete wash-out, with driving wind and pouring rain coming at us from all angles.
It would have if we'd actually got out of bed to try take photos. instead we collectively decided to go back to sleep after poking our heads outside for all of approximately 7 seconds.
So the second morning was our designated sunrise shoot, and although the forecast still wasn't looking great, thankfully the rain wasn't quite as torrential nor the wind as strong.
This photo was taken at about 6:38am when a small gap in the clouds suffused the scene in this soft pink and purple light, giving it the sky and Gog and MaGog (aside: awesome names!) a gorgeous glow. I also chose a 30 second exposure to capture as much of the colour and movement of the clouds as possible.
Ten minutes later the clouds were thick and heavy across the sky and the mood had completely changed; it was dark and moody and felt like we were in the thick of an Atlantic storm. That particular photo will be coming in the next few days.
It is mornings like this that make the early alarms and inclement weather so incredibly worth it.
The details for this image are:
Nikon D750 with Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 G2
NiSi GND 16, ND64, and Circular Polarizer
Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head