Somewhere Only We Know

A tiny cascade of water just down from the renowned Horseshoe Falls in Mt Field National Park.

A tiny cascade of water just down from the renowned Horseshoe Falls in Mt Field National Park.

Down the path a ways lies a little creek burbling past. It's not as impressive as the waterfalls you come here for, nor is it really a waterfall. Instead it is merely a gentle curve in a creek and a cascade down a single step. Surrounding it lies vegetation thick and green and covered in nature's carpet.

No, this place isn't as awe-inspiring, nor does it have the same resonance as the falls bracketing this little creek, but it is serene and gentle and amazing all the same.Mt Field National Park in Tasmania's Derwent Valley is incredible, and most people come here to check out Horseshoe and Russell Falls (which are definitely worth the trip out!), but this little scene just spoke to me. 

I love the curve of the fern off the bank and over the creek, as well as the verdant green of the trees and mossy boulders bracketing the other side.

I sat here for a while, just enjoying the gentle fall of rain and the sound of water murmuring happily along. 

And it was perfect. 

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 16-35mm f/4G VR

  • NiSi GND 16⁣ filter

  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head⁣

  • 1/3s

  • f/11

  • ISO50


Cape of Diamonds


Waking Up Slow