The Other Side

The other side of the iconic Rialto Bridge in Venice, Italy.When in Venice, the Rialto Bridge is a must-do destination, but nobody ever seems to look at what's on the other side.Under clouds scudding across a pale blue sky, wheeling gulls circle and dive over the iconic Grand Canal.Gondolas ply these waterways, with Gondoliers in striped tops ferrying tourists up and down, showcasing the best this city has to offer, from the best point of view. Amidst the tourists, locals carry on with their daily lives, puttering along the canals in their own craft, maybe delivering food, or construction materials, or maybe just visiting friends.Lining this iconic scene we have houses dating back hundreds of years, all built on foundations of wood staked deep into the ground beneath the water. These houses, all varying degrees of peach or white or burnt ochre, have stood the test of time and vagrancies of the tide, and here they shall stand for many more years to come.This is a beautiful city, vibrant and full, and one that everyone should experience at least once.The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D7200 with Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8
  • f/7.1
  • 1/200s
  • ISO100

The Approach


Passing of Time