All the Little Lights
Sparks of light shine all around
Guiding our way through life
Burning bright with souvenirs of our love
Though some may soon go dark
As memories fade and we say goodbye
To who we used to be
And who we used to know
These sparks aren't gone forever
For they continue to glow
In a universe of all we've seen
And of which we'll see again
I've only ever seen Hornby Lighthouse captured at sunrise or sunset, so I thought I'd try capturing the Milky Way rising one night instead.
I had done absolutely no planning for this shot, instead I relied on blind faith and a little bit of luck. I knew I'd be able to capture it by facing east, I just didn't know if it would work from a compositional perspective, so imagine my joy when I saw it all come together!
This particular image is a stack of 16 images to help reduce noise.
There are a couple more photo from this night which I'll post in due course, but I think it's time to take you all to Tassie for the next little while.
I look forward to seeing you there.
The details for this image are:
Nikon D750 with Nikon 20mm f/1.8G
Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head