
The Sydney Opera House framed by the fence on the Sydney Harbour Bridge during Vivid, 2018.

My first (posted) photo from Vivid 2018. I went on a night when it was absolutely bucketing down with rain, which meant the crowds were staying away but also made for a very wet me!

This photo was taken from the Harbour Bridge, where I had trudged through sheets of water to get to. Of course, once I got here the rain stopped... 

For this one, I bumped up the ISO slightly and used a larger aperture to allow more light in and reduce the amount of time the shutter would be open. I did this because although the bridge is a sturdy beauty, the rumbling vibrations of passing traffic still had the ability to cause camera shake - even on the tripod. Even still, this exposure was one of many I took in a row, just to ensure I'd get at least one clean one!

More Vivid photos to come!

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 G2
  • Sirui W-1204 waterproof carbon fibre tripod with K-20x ball head
  • f/4.5
  • 1 second
  • ISO200

Manic Mondays


The Leap