The Leap

Jumping off a jetty in Lake Como into the freezing cold water.Jumping into the weekend be like...What have you got planned? We're in the middle of refreshing the house, so a lot of sanding and painting is on the cards. But it is also my birthday so I'm going to indulge my inner child and head to the zoo for $1! We went a couple of years ago, but the tigers weren't there at the time - and I'm a sucker for big cats! Can't wait to check them out.This image was taken at Lake Como and the water was... bracing. Who am I kidding, it was bone-jarringly, freezingly, shrinkage-inspiringly cold! My ever-patient wife (who also held down the shutter to capture this photo) got in before me as a guinea pig (thanks honey!), and after witnessing her reaction I promptly decided the best way to get in was to throw myself headfirst off the jetty and into the ice-cold embrace of the lake.Have a great weekend!The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D7200 with Nikon 17-50mm f/2.8
  • f/7.1
  • 1/800s
  • ISO500



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