Gondolas in Waiting

Venetian gondolas lined up in the lagoon with Chiesa di San Giorgio Maggiore in the background. You can't go to Venice and not get this classic photo of the iconic gondolas moored in the lagoon. We've been to Venice a few times, but I've always resisted getting 'This Shot' due to the fact I always thought it was over-done by everyone, so why not try for something different?In other words, I was 'too cool' for it.But then I figured it's a popular shot for a reason, so why let that bother me? Why let what photos other people take or don't take affect the shots I'm interested in? Sure there is an over-saturation of this photo, but at the same time it is a truly beautiful scene. At the end of the day you have to take the photos you want to take, and not let the perceived popularity of a shot stop you from taking it. And of course, you'll always bring your own take on it, and if not, there will be other opportunities to stamp your style just around the corner.The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D7200 with Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8
  • f/11
  • 1/80s
  • ISO100

Sun Sail


Icy Flow