Great Divide

Clouds roll down over the mountains behind the Museum of Old and New in Hobart.

Clouds roll down over the mountains behind the Museum of Old and New in Hobart.

The coming of soft night

⁠Across this great divide

Brings misty cloud clinging

⁠Like tendrils of smoke⁠

To the curves and valleys⁠

Of your speckled skin

With gentlest of touch

And tender caress

So together joined

We drift away

Hobart is framed by rolling mountains and it makes for some incredibly dramatic images whenever the weather changes (which is pretty damn often in Tasmania!).

Here we are looking back towards the Museum of Old and New from the Mona Fast Ferry, as the wispiest of clouds roll down over the mountain behind, bringing with it a misty rain that softened the dying light of day.⁠⁠

The details for this image are:

  • ⁠Nikon D750 with Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 G2

  • 1/500s

  • f/5.6

  • ISO160


Dream in Blue

