Patrick Tangye Photography

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A hot air balloon descends to it's waiting truck at the end of a beautiful morning in the sky.

The descent from up high begins now the sun is above the horizon and shining down.

All around us, balloons slowly sink to the ground far below to land on trailers pulled by trucks in fields and alongside the road.

This process was in itself one of the most fascinating things of the entire experience. To see a sky full of balloons slowly empty was one thing, but to watch those balloons land on their trailers was incredible.

How did they know which trailer was theirs? How did they know where they would land? How did they direct the people on the ground (or vice versa) on where to park or land?

I'm sure the answers to those questions are fairly straightforward, but it was still such a sight to see - like a choreographed dance.

I loved the feeling of floating in the cool dawn air, and would recommend anyone visiting Cappadocia to spend the money and hop on board.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 G2

  • 1/2500s

  • f/5.6

  • ISO4000