Make Me Electrify

The town of Goreme in Cappadocia as a lightning flashes in the distance.

The town of Goreme in Cappadocia as a lightning flashes in the distance.

On the last night in Göreme we went back up to the sunset lookout as the clouds were looking promising. Instead it was a somewhat lacklustre spectacle, but I could see off in the distance clouds thick and heavy and the occasional flash of brightness, so I maneuvered my gear to overlook the town and waited.

And this is what I managed to capture. The town of Göreme under a dark night sky as a storm crackles with lightning off in the distance.

This is actually a composite of 4 images. Three of them were blended to show the lightning in one frame, and the fourth was used to blend in the light trails of the cars on the road at the bottom left of the image.

I was buzzed to capture this shot as it was an amazing way to finish up what was an incredible experience in this electrifying location.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 G2

  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head⁣

  • 30s

  • f/7.1

  • ISO50


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