Lovers on the Sun

The Sydney Opera House in golden afternoon light.

Soft afternoon light shines golden across the harbour, bathing us in it's gentle warmth. Here along Sydney's foreshore, tourists and locals alike admire the view of the iconic Opera House across the harbour.

This is another shot from the #ozscaper instameet. As I was walking down from the ferry terminal, the light was just absolutely gorgeous, and I loved how these two giant palms framed the Opera House.

This was a long exposure (as evidenced by the movement of the people and the fronds of the trees), and I did this to smooth out the water, but also to ensure I got the golden light of the setting sun. I used the NiSi V5 Pro kit with Circular Polariser, ND64, and GND16. 

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 G2
  • NiSi Circular Polariser, ND64, and GND16
  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head
  • f/11
  • 13 seconds
  • ISO 50



Peaches and Cream