Peaches and Cream

The Sydney Opera House at dusk.

Rich twilight descends slowly across the city, bringing an end to yet another day, heralding the start of a new cycle where we can all begin again, wipe the slate clean, try once more.

And there you are, right in front of me in the dusky hues and fading light; a vision to behold, capturing the last glow of sun, with your beauty and inner strength radiating out for me to see.

For me to admire.

For me to love.

So I do.

This was taken at the inaugural #Ozscapers Instameet on the weekend. Despite the weather (no photographer really likes cloudless skies!), it was a fun outing and am very much looking forward to the next one!

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Tamron 24-70mm f/2,8 G2
  • f/16
  • 6 seconds
  • ISO50

Lovers on the Sun


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds