No Place Like You


Of all the places I’ve seen

There is no place like you

Exotic and intoxicating

You draw me ever closer in

The taste of your scent

Heavy and fragrant on the wind

Blows through and around me

I embrace you in my heart

In my soul 

And I am free

Isn't it incredible how much your point of view makes a difference to what you see?

On ground level all I would have seen would be red sand and mulga trees scattered throughout the spinifex grass. Instead when I looked down on it from above I saw so much more.

Look at that texture. That depth. The shadows stretching out in the setting afternoon sun. What looks like a river but is actually just a ridge tracing it's way through this incredible landscape.

When I look at this I see the true essence of Australia - the one you see in traditional Aboriginal art used to capture the spirit and stories of this amazing land.

That's not to say I wouldn't have experienced that emotion standing on the ground (because I did), but seeing it from up here, from a fresh point of view, was an incredible experience.

There really is no place like it.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 G2

  • 1/2000s

  • f/5.6

  • ISO4000



