Patrick Tangye Photography

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In the Midnight Hour

the core of Milky Way rises above Uluru in the Red Centre of Australia.

There is something incredibly romantic about standing under clear skies with the Milky Way shining brightly down from above, don't you think? Even when it's not even gone 6am and a cold wind is blowing, chilling your hands to bone (note to self: get warmer gloves).

Could you imagine a place you'd rather be?

This image is 16 photos of the Milky Way stacked in Starry Landscape Stacker to help reduce noise plus another image of 926 seconds to capture the foreground.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Samyang 14mm f/2.8

  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Headā£


  • 20s

  • f/2.8

  • ISO6400


  • 926s

  • f/2.8

  • ISO400