Lovers of the Light

Biting wind whistles through the trees, creaking and cracking and bending and snapping, into the depths of our souls it screams.

The sound of footsteps surrounds us, and the whispering breath of something unknown brings hairs on end and the scent of death.

But where can we go from here? No paths to see, directionless we stand, while the world boils down to just you and me.

Holding tight our hands,  breathing in, breathing out, we look to each other to find the path to take, as the wind dies with a final defiant shout.

With the sparkles of a thousand stars, our eyes blaze bright, as together we walk, step by gentle step, holding forth as lovers of the light.

Lost and alone in the deepest darkness of night, when monsters roam and creatures call, we have the diamonds of the galaxy to guide our way home.

This image is made from 7 separate images, taken whilst huddled in the lee of my parked car as the gale-force winds rocked it back and forth, and stacked together using Starry Landscape Stacker to help reduce noise.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 20mm f/1.8G lens
  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head
  • f/2.2
  • 13 seconds
  • ISO2000

Love in the Details


Ripples in the Light