Patrick Tangye Photography

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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

A windmill stands beneath the Milky Way in South Australia.As winds howled through the night, I took shelter in the lee of my parked car to capture this image of a windmill under the diamonds of the night. On the horizon you can also see the glow from a town reflecting in the clouds sweeping across the distant hills. You can see how windy it was with the effect it had on the tree in the foreground - no leaves distinguishable as it danced frantically in the gale.

I am fascinated by the delineation of the Milky Way in this image; how on one side of the windmill it is faint and barely visible due to the light pollution, but then on the other it is rich and vibrant and popping out of the sky.
This image is made from 4 separate images, stacked together using Starry Landscape Stacker to help reduce noise.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 20mm f/1.8G
  • f/2.2
  • 13 seconds
  • ISO2000