Path to the Core

A pathway meanders alongside Uluru, heading towards the core of the Milky Way suspended in the clear skies above.

A pathway meanders alongside Uluru, heading towards the core of the Milky Way suspended in the clear skies above.

I know I've said this before, but standing beneath clear skies lit only by the billions of stars in our galaxy is a calming and meditative experience.

I also find the deepest dark of night is when your repressed thoughts and feelings come to the fore. How many of us have had big D&Ms once the sun has set and darkness settled across the land? For some reason it allows us to open up at a truly intimate level and we feel more comfortable expressing our true thoughts and fears and feelings.

We're all walking our own path, and as scary as it might be, sometimes it's one we must walk. But we don't have to walk it alone. Utilise your friends and family. Get them to challenge you and challenge them back. Be honest with yourself, and be true. It can be confronting, but necessary. We need to feel like we can reflect back on ourselves and what we want so we can allow ourselves to move forward.

And if you want some company on this path, let me know and I'll happily walk beside you.

This image is 18 photos of the Milky Way stacked in Starry Landscape Stacker to help reduce noise, and one long exposure photo to capture the detail in the foreground.

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Samyang 14mm f/2.8

  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head⁣

  • 20s

  • f/2.8

  • ISO6400


I Make Sparks

