'The Arrow'

A kookaburra in full flight, skims above me as I take a shot from below.These native Australian birds are part of the kingfisher family and are absolutely gorgeous. The sound of their laugh echoing through the bush always makes me smile. I was always told that their laugh is also a sign of rain to come, but not sure how true that statement is.This was taken up near the NSW-QLD border, and I'd actually spent my time camped out trying to get a photo of an elusive kingfisher in the area. He would flit by fast as a flash, and disappear before I could catch him in my sights. During one such missed opportunity, I spied this kookaburra on a branch just as it swooped up and towards me, darting right over my head as I snapped this picture of his profile in flight.The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G VR
  • f/5.6
  • 1/1600s
  • ISO2500

House of the Stars


From Darkness